Our Story
Read more about the two groundbreaking research, development & training programmes - StoryFutures and StoryFutures Academy which ran from 2018-2023.

StoryFutures was led by Royal Holloway, University of London and was part of the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s unprecedented Creative Industries Clusters Programme. Funded by the government’s industrial strategy challenge fund and based in the ‘Gateway Cluster’ immediately to the west of London it focused on delivering game changing R&D projects.

StoryFutures Academy
StoryFutures Academy was the UK’s National Centre for Immersive Storytelling led by the National Film and Television School and Royal Holloway, University of London. Funded by the government’s industrial strategy challenge fund and part of UK Research and Innovation’s Audience of the Future Challenge. The Academy developed creative training and research programmes in immersive storytelling to ensure the UK creative workforce is the most skilled in the world in the use of VR, AR and MR.